ROBIE LLC is a company established in 2012 to create, refresh, and extend products for clients in the United States and England.
Adult Nonfiction—Games / Sports / Entertainment / Humor
Shoreline Publishing Group
So here’s the thing. You’re looking for a book producer (okay . . . “packager”) who can deliver your product on time and on budget, and can do so with style, verve, and good humor. You’re looking for a company that can handle just about any size project (and probably has . . . we’ve made more than 500 books and we’ve been doing this for more than 17 years).
The Story Division
The Story Division is a full-service creative studio and licensing agency working with top writers, artists, audio producers, and designers to develop and package premium products.
Tandem Books Inc.
Tandem Books provides a unique cross-section of creativity and practicality to publishers across the country.