Established in 2019, Indelible Editions produces compelling, illustrated nonfiction for children and adults, including ancillary such as calendars, journals, and planners.

Established in 2019, Indelible Editions produces compelling, illustrated nonfiction for children and adults, including ancillary such as calendars, journals, and planners.
Jenkins Group specializes in the publishing of high-quality books for first-time and veteran authors, corporations, and organizations worldwide. Our custom solutions fit a variety of budgets and publishing timelines. We work in all genres of book publishing including business, fiction, non-fiction, children’s, and corporate anniversary among others.
Jennifer Barry Design produces distinctive illustrated books and graphic design for publishing and corporate clients.
MTM Publishing produces innovative, engaging, and high-quality books for trade and library publishers; children’s and YA publishers; educational and institutional publishers; and individuals, organizations, and brands.
Established in 2019, Indelible Editions produces compelling, illustrated nonfiction for children and adults, including ancillary such as calendars, journals, and planners.
Rock Scissors Paper Press is a creative book packager serving the trade book industry. We fuse innovative concepts, inspired writing, and talented graphic illustration as we develop books that enliven visual and tactile sensibilities.
W. Harry Kirn has worked on staff at some of the country’s most successful publishers, including G.P. Putnam’s Sons, Simon & Schuster, and Workman Publishing. With the support of the visionary Workman group, Harry began packaging his own titles, including The King of Pizza, The Kids’ Book of Karate, and The Blessing of the Animals calendar. A writer, graphic designer, and production director, Harry has a thorough knowledge of the trade book market.
Bill Luckey has worked for some of the largest as well as some of America’s most prestigious and innovative publishers: Alfred A. Knopf, David R. Godine, HarperCollins, Penguin, Running Press, Golden Books, Barnes & Noble Proprietary Publishing, and Sterling Publishing. His experience encompasses roles in the areas of editorial, design, and production for both adult and children’s books.
Scout Books & Media turns good ideas into bestselling books, makes complicated projects easy for publishers, and develops brands for lasting success.
So here’s the thing. You’re looking for a book producer (okay . . . “packager”) who can deliver your product on time and on budget, and can do so with style, verve, and good humor. You’re looking for a company that can handle just about any size project (and probably has . . . we’ve made more than 500 books and we’ve been doing this for more than 17 years).
Spooky Cheetah Press is a full-service book-producing company specializing in high-quality illustrated books and continuity series in a wide range of subject areas.