Girl Friday Productions

Girl Friday Productions

Girl Friday Productions

318 W. Galer St., Suite 101, Seattle, WA 98119

Christina Henry de Tessan, VP of Strategic Partnerships

tel: 206.524.4257 |

member since: 2016

For nearly twenty years, we have created beautiful books that tell compelling stories via a variety of formats: deluxe, branded series, cookbooks, journals, memoir, gift, and children’s. Our devoted in-house editors do the work to understand your goals, your program, and your vision, then assemble and manage a curated project team to provide unsurpassed quality and total creative control. GFP provides indie publishing, packaging, as well as hybrid publishing options for our clients, distributed to the trade through Two Rivers.

our services:

We are able to develop a project from concept to bound books or take on books further along in the production process. You enjoy one point of contact in your publishing manager with access to specialists in visual and editorial production, marketing and positioning, and distribution support.

our team:

We have worked with licensors including CNN, CBS Paramount, Lucasfilm, Disney, Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation, Sesame Street, and with all major publishers.