ABPA Book Producing Today Master Class

What’s the difference between a packager, book producer, and book developer?

None! They are all names for some of the most creative and nimble players in publishing today. Learn the ins and outs of becoming a successful book producer in today’s publishing scene. In six one-hour Master Class webinars we will cover everything from creating budgets and schedules, navigating contracts, and setting up a business to getting the best work from writers, editors, and designers and printing and manufacturing.

Book Producing Today will give you a step up professionally and might even hold the key to your next career chapter. This master class webinar series is for you if you are:

  • New to book producing . . .
  • Interested in honing your skills . . .
  • Considering expanding your business . . .
  • Contemplating a career change . . .
  • Looking to rise in the publishing ranks . . .
  • Or just curious to know more about how books are made.

Each master class webinar is $25 or sign up for all six for $150. Email office@abpaonline.org to reserve your spot. We’ll send you an e-invoice via PayPal and follow up with the Zoom registration links.


Book Producing: The Big Picture
Monday, February 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. EST
What is book producing? Get the scoop on this fast-growing career in publishing.

Budgets and Schedules
Wednesday, February 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. EST
Projections! What will it cost, how long will it take, and what kind of team will you need?

Art, Photos, and Design
Wednesday, February 17, 1:30–3:00 p.m. EST
Putting it all together—beautifully.

Manufacturing and Product Testing
Monday, February 22, 1:30–3:00 p.m. EST
How to work with printers and manufacturers and ensure your product is up to code.

Contracts and Business Structure
Wednesday, February 24, 1:30–3:00 p.m. EST
Make it official! Learn the basics of setting up your business and negotiating contracts.

The Editorial Process
Monday, March 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. EST
Content is key! From manuscript creation to developmental edit to copyedit and more—learn best practices for working with writers and editors. 


Email office@abpaonline.org to register today.

We’ll send you an e-invoice via PayPal and follow up with the Zoom registration links.